The waterfront of Port Louis is the closest to a 'tourist destination' (other than beaches) that I've seen. There are restaurants with outdoor seating along the waterfront, a movie theatre, and many many shops.
Sam, Neya and Will at the waterfront.
Rice for sale (in a really big way!) in Port Louie.
Saturday was the day of big celebrations for Ganesh. Above Will and Sams' heads is a banner celebrating Ganesh, who is pctured on the banner. This was taken around the corner from our house, where they had a Ganesh celebration. I have no idea why Sam has that look on his face, other than perhaps he wishes to look like Ganesh.
Many Hindus have small shrines in their yards. This is an especially nice one located a few blocks from our house.
This is such a great learning experience for the boys. I wish our boys were old enough to remember. I'm sure Will and Sam will.